Coleen Morehead, EdD, Founder
As Founder and CEO of Clear Strategies Dr. Morehead possesses a diverse experience to support community-based organizations, industry associations, businesses, public and private entities to expand stakeholder engagement and collaboration, leveraging investments for public projects, workforce development initiatives, public education, and job training programs. Expertise includes career pathway development, curriculum development, developing and implementing pre-apprentice and registered apprenticeship programs, employer engagement, technical assistance, and participation in numerous industry advisory councils. During her 25 years of experience, she has also provided support to several local government representatives, led county-wide initiatives and campaigns, and provided support for public school bond campaigns and tax assessments initiatives to improve public safety and school facility funding.
Dr. Morehead serves on the Sacramento Coalition for Digital Inclusion as Co-Chair for Digital Literacy and as a member of the Metro Chamber Policy & Work Ready Committee.
Backed by a Doctor of Education and a Master of Public Administration, Morehead is skilled at envisioning new approaches to engage stakeholders, manage projects and coordinate teams. Certifications include: Essentials of Fundraising: Association of Fundraising Professionals, IAP2 Public Participation, and Technology of Participation (TOPs) Facilitation Certification.
Notable Experience:
- Sacramento State California Mobility Center Feasibility Study: CLEAR Strategies performed this study to assess Sacramento State’s capacity, capabilities , and needs to create a sustainable partnership for the CMC. The study was intended to be used to present recommendations and to be used to help identify faculty expertise, advance academic programming and research capacity that includes creating and promoting experts in clean energy and mobility technologies. The process included interviewing approximately 100 regional stakeholders, as well as administering two University-wide surveys for students and administrators, faculty, and staff. The result is a document that provides comprehensive list of recommendations and plan for a successful partnership.
- Cyber Proud Inc: Dr. Coleen Morehead launched Cyber Proud Inc, a Sacramento based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in 2020. It is dedicated to responding to the overwhelming demand for IT and cyber professionals by cultivating the next generation of a diverse and talented cyber workforce through expanded access to training for under-represented groups to change the landscape. Members of the Cyber Proud Team and Board members have experience serving the community for over 25 years.
- Information Communications Technology HUB/Council: As Director of Education and Workforce Alignment for Align Capital Region, Dr. Morehead led the Sacramento Region Information Communications Technology (ICT) Council from 2017 – 2020. This Council operational structure was much different than an advisory. The scope of work included assembling a diverse group of members with experience and passion to build a regionwide ICT sector focused workforce initiative. The result was the cooperation across many groups to implement several programs that created ICT and Cyber bootcamps, professional development for teachers seeking a credential to teach computer science, and building an Hub to support teachers with accessing technical assistance in using new technologies. The Council was represented by a diverse group of stakeholder groups.
- Sacramento Region Water Works was formed to expand assess to water and utility career development services. Students from middle school, high school and community college received career pathway development services, apprenticeship programs were created via the network. They addressed lingering workforce issues and concerns impacting all aspects of the water industry including water agencies and municipalities throughout the greater Sacramento region. Over 2500 students were served receiving WBL experiences, internships, apprenticeships and job placement services.
- Research: Assessing the Value of Rural California High School Career Technical Education
Dr. Morehead performed a California statewide study on the perceived value of career technical education programs. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors impacting the quality, funding and delivery CTE in rural high schools. The analysis led to these findings; (a) need for dedicated CTE funding source, (b) reduce CTE stigma, and (c) streamlining college articulation agreements to include CTE. The research resulted in policy recommendations that include the expansion of work-based learning, mentoring, and apprenticeship programs, as well as a realignment of industry needs to education career focused programs. This research contribution to the passage of AB 2063 (Gallagher) which increased the amount of work experience credit a student can earn during the school. This elimination of this one barrier ensures that students are more prepared for the workplace upon graduation. Study Link

Chris Almeida
Serving public education for the past 30+ years as a teacher, administrator, advisor, and program lead in both secondary and post-secondary educational delivery systems. He brings together all those cross-sector experiences for applying new and innovative approaches to facilitate systematic change in education with an emphasis on job training and apprenticeships. Including 20 years of experience in developing, training, and administering apprenticeship, Chris has assisted national, state and regional organizations in increasing apprenticeship opportunities that include student achievement, closing equity gaps, and providing students with the tools and skills to help them successfully transition to training, post-secondary education, and a career. He is well versed in curriculum development in areas of emergency management, career technical education, testing techniques, teaching and distance learning courses. He has served the Sacramento region with integrating curriculum and work-based learning opportunities. Chris has participated in many national, state, and regional advisory groups with a focus on disengaged youth and adult learners. He served on the California Apprenticeship Council for 10 years with emphasis on supplemental instruction for apprentices.
Notable Experience:
- Washington Unified School District Youth Pre-Apprenticeship serving 110 adult students and another 150 high school students at Washington Unified School District. Each completed this MC3 pre-apprenticeship certification program and were placed with employers throughout region including with the crafts trades under the Sacramento Construction Building Trades Council. Partnerships with local apprenticeship, workforce, and support agencies. The pre-apprenticeship advisory members included LB Construction, Villara Construction, Plumbers Labor Relations, Sacramento Regional Builders’ Exchange, Operating Engineers Local #3, CA Adult Education Regional Consortium, Sacramento County Office of Education, Cement Masons Local 400, Roebbelen, Clark Pacific, Associated General Contractors, Ironworkers Union, Division of Apprenticeship Standards, First Step Communities.
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act/Project Lead the Way. Performed research to demonstrate the impact of PLTW in California regarding the application of countering violent extremism grant program resources. Chris Almeida, on behalf of Align Capital Region, performed research to demonstrate the impact of Project Lead the Way (PLTW) in California regarding the application of countering violent extremism grant program resources. Significantly closed the achievement gaps between groups of students, economically disadvantaged ethnic groups, with limited English proficiency, and with disabilities. Improved graduation rates or increased recruitment and placement of high-quality teachers and principals, and partnerships with the private sector.